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The World is ready for a new rising star and there is none better than “TRIPPY The Clown”, a.k.a. “THE METAL GOD”. If you havn’t heard of this charismatic little Super-Beast by now… You will! If you don’t find him, he will find you. TRIPPY’S cult following seems to be growing like uncontrollable wildfire every second that passes. His Metal-Edge and quick wit will take you on a roller-coaster ride of humorous adventures that are forever changing and never ending. His bizarre cast of characters will leave your head spinning out of control. So hold on tight and get ready for the trip of your life, because whenever you're feeling down tune-in to the world's greatest clown to wipe off that frown.
TRIPPY the Clown is always drinking, smoking and causing trouble.
His main goal in life is to take over the world by creating a metal record masterpiece so intense that even his idol, Ozzy Osbourne, will consider him a musical genius. Trippy’s surreal, satirical, and dark humored nature lampoons a wide-range of topics. Not to mention he hangs with celebreties such as ZAKK WYLDE of “Black Label Society” and also ROB ZOMBIE’S guitarist John5 to name a few.




"Trippy The Clown" escapes from Corcoran prison & flees to Hollywood on a vicious killing spree. Super Heroes, Serial Killers and the L.A.P.D. are out to kill TRIPPY but TRIPPY is out to KILL YOU!

Trippy the Clown
Melts on peyote in the desert

Trippy the Clown
Tripping on acid

Trippy the Clown
Trippy the Clown with Sid Haig Captain Spaulding

Trippy the Clown
Melts on peyote in the desert

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